Welcome to the Master of Science in Engineering with a concentration in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Youngstown State University. Our program offers students a robust education that expands their technical knowledge and deepens their understanding of the everchanging electrical and computer engineering landscape.
The Master of Science in Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering at YSU embraces a 30-credit curriculum that covers a range of cutting-edge topics such as autonomous systems, cybersecurity, digital signal processing, wireless communication, and embedded systems.
Students can choose from two program tracks based on their career goals:
The program culminates in the submission of a research thesis, or capstone project and comprehensive examination for non-thesis students. The flexible curriculum allows the students to customize their course of study to align with their interests and career objectives.
Our Master’s program is designed for students with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or a related discipline. If you are driven to advance your career, expand your knowledge, or enter the research arena, our program can help pave the way to your goals.
Graduates of our Electrical and Computer Engineering program are well-equipped for a variety of roles in industries such as automotive, robotics, telecommunications, aerospace, and renewable energy. Potential job titles include embedded systems developer, control systems engineer, network engineer, or electrical design engineer.
According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment for electrical and computer engineers is projected to grow approximately 7% from 2019 to 2029. This growth is driven by the rising demand for advanced electrical systems, smart devices, and computer hardware and software development.
Embark on a rewarding career in the rapidly evolving field of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a Master of Science in Engineering from Youngstown State University. Join us and prepare to power an electrified world.
Speak to a Faculty Member
Frank X. Li
Moser Hall
(330) 941-3381
Program Options
Nearly 11,000 students
Over $8 Million in Scholarships Given Annually
21 Average Class Size
5 University Residence Halls with plenty of nearby apartments
14:1 Student-to-Faculty Ratio
Instructional, General and Technology fees are required of all graduate students except where noted). Although the graduate bulk-rate band is from 12-18 hours, graduate students are considered full-time for academic purposes at 6 hours and above.
For a complete list of additional fees and detailed tuition information please visit the University Bursar website here.
Cost of the most popular room and meal plan combination; Your cost will depend on the plans you select. Costs in the box cover the most popular room and meal plan combination (on-campus); If you choose to live off-campus, the estimated cost of room and meals will be around $12,000 based on 12 months.
Based on average books & supply costs
Health insurance is required for international students.
Total Tuition Estimate
Total Tuition Estimate
GRE is NOT required
+1 330-941-2336
The graduate faculty members at Youngstown State University are highly qualified and successful in research, scholarly and creative works. Our programs offer the latest developments in research and technology. Most importantly the college highly values teaching. This means that the focus is on you and your professional development. Graduate programs are designed to provide you with growth in both theory and practice. Field experiences are available and encouraged. In addition, there are many opportunities to engage in research, scholarship and creative works with faculty members.
+1 330-941-3091
Fall – July 15
Spring – December 15th
Summer – April 15th